Presence Sensor FP1E

Smart Home Automations

Energy Saving in Bedroom

IF absence detected, THEN turn off the light and air conditioner in the bedroom With this automation scene, users can say goodbye to wasted energy caused by forgetting to turn off power when leaving a room.

Temperature Adjustment Based on Human Activities

IF moving for over 30 min, THEN lower cooling temp of air conditioner by 1 degree. Effectively regulate the indoor temperature, creating a more comfortable environment.

Smart Home Automations

Energy Saving in Bedroom

IF absence detected, THEN turn off the light and air conditioner in the bedroom With this automation scene, users can say goodbye to wasted energy caused by forgetting to turn off power when leaving a room.

Temperature Adjustment Based on Human Activities

IF moving for over 30 min, THEN lower cooling temp of air conditioner by 1 degree. Effectively regulate the indoor temperature, creating a more comfortable environment.

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