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모든 것은 아이디어에서 시작됩니다


무선 loT 기술

필요에따라사용하는 에너지

디지털화를 통한 에너지 절약 및 탄소배출 감소

체계적인솔루션으로다가서는 탄소중립


무선 loT 기술


디지털화를 통한 에너지 절약 및 탄소배출 감소

체계적인솔루션으로다가서는 탄소중립

관련 케이스



관련 케이스



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begins with an idea.

Eugene You (You Yanyun), the creator of the Aqara brand, had a vision for a new, intelligent, green era for buildings.

As a scientist specializing in automation control technology, Eugene earned his master’s degrees from the South China University of Technology and the University of Utah in the United States. He has worked for many high-tech multinational corporations and conducted technology research and development globally, keeping up with domestic industrialization and urbanization trends, and recognizing the importance of environmental-friendly development.

In 2009, Eugene founded Lutuo Technology, dedicated to empowering spaces with wireless, intelligence, and energy-saving technologies. With a vision for the Internet of Everything, Lutuo focused on building control systems energy-saving and intelligent renovations of public buildings. After years of hard work and innovation, Lutuo presented many world-leading products and solutions, bringing revolutionary changes to the industry.

In 2014, Lutuo Technology changed its name to Lumi United, while retaining its original “green” intention and driving force. For Eugene, “green” has always been the guiding principle in promoting sustainable development and innovation in the field of smart homes.

Wireless IoT Technology
More environmentally-friendly

As one of the first smart home companies to recognize the potential of Zigbee technology, we have invested over a decade in research and development of Zigbee protocol. Now, our devices support multiple wireless protocols, including Thread, Zigbee, Lora, Bluetooth, NB-IoT, and Wi-Fi, making them versatile and adaptable.

Using stable, safe, and reliable wireless IoT technology, most Aqara devices are designed to be wire-free and easy to install, making them suitable for both new builds and retrofits. This effectively reduces the need for slotted wiring during construction.

To achieve dual smart lighting control, our smart wall switch can replace traditional wall switches and be used with a wireless switch and hub, without requiring rewiring.

It’s clear that transitioning to wireless IoT technology offers significant advantages, such as reducing waste and minimizing damage to existing materials during construction, while also being more environmentally friendly.

Let every source of energy be used on demand

Buildings account for 40% of the world’s energy consumption. In China alone, there are 40 billion square meters of existing buildings, 99% of which consume high amounts of energy. This results in an annual energy consumption equivalent to 350 million tons of standard coal. To combat this issue, an energy-saving retrofitting process is needed, along with convenient, fast, economic, and environmentally friendly products that do not affect the use of buildings. By utilizing behavioral energy-saving managed by BAS (Building Automation System), it is possible to achieve a 20%-40% reduction in energy usage, leading to significant social and economic benefits.

Aqara offers a powerful and rich portfolio of sensors that are optimally designed for power component material selection and management controls, algorithm capabilities, and sleep rules. This ensures that standby power consumption is kept at the lowest level while maintaining stability and reliability. Aqara’s average battery standby time can last up to 2 to 3 years, which is more than double that of similar products on the market. This effectively reduces battery consumption and environmental pollution.

Aqara has various kinds of sensors, including motion sensor, light sensor, door and window sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, etc. These devices are capable of automatically adjusting settings based on environmental conditions and user preferences, ensuring energy consumption is optimized to meet demand while minimizing unnecessary waste.

Moreover, people often forget to turn off major appliances, such as air conditioners, lights, and electric water heaters, leading to unnecessary energy consumption. With Aqara’s active smart home intelligence, users can rely on automation and remote control to ensure that energy consumption is tailored to their needs, while also promoting safety and energy efficiency.

Digitalization Drives Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction

Aqara’s powerful AloT ecosystem provides comprehensive support for visualizing system big data.

With insensible statistics, real-time monitoring, and accurate analysis of energy consumption data, Aqara allows for timely detection of abnormalities  which allows for prompt action to be taken to reduce energy consumption.

Insensible statistics

Insensible statistics are captured using sensor matrixes, cameras, and automatic links to record spatial behavior and provide automatic energy-saving conditions.

Real-time monitoring

Real-time monitoring allows for energy consumption to be quantified and viewed at a glance, while equipment status and abnormal conditions can be easily identified, providing a valuable data source for energy-saving solution analysis.

Accurate analysis

Accurate analysis is conducted through the automatic analysis and precise judgment of big data, which is collected from insensible statistics and real-time monitoring. This provides a reliable basis for energy-saving and emission-reduction planning.

Automated processing

Aqara’s automated processing ensures timely alerts and other automated actions are taken to prevent losses, reduce energy consumption, and help achieve overall energy conservation and emission reduction. This assists operators and home users in making smart decisions, formulating and optimizing energy-saving strategies.

Systematic solutions help carbon neutrality

Aqara products and systems are widely adopted in various settings, such as smart buildings, hotels, real estate, communities, homes, campuses, and healthcare facilities. They significantly enhance building management efficiency, energy utilization, and add value to the maintenance of buildings.

Aqara’s hardware features over 30 categories and 700+ SKUs, utilizing wireless Internet of Things technology to enable environmentally-friendly and automatic energy-saving controls, providing notable social and economic benefits.

Aqara’s software offerings include the powerful Aqara AloT ecosystem, which delivers reliable and comprehensive IoT solutions for the entire industry. The Qiao Link Open Platform helps eco-enterprises digitize and save energy. The Qiao Link Industry Application Platform provides basic capability services for energy-saving and emission reduction in smart spaces. The Qiao Link Visualized Large Screen visualizes digital energy savings.

Aqara’s smart office and hotel systems facilitate digital operations and management of different business types, contributing to carbon neutrality.



Aqara has successfully implemented smart and unified management for the Xiaomi Mobile Internet Industrial Park. The project covers six office buildings spanning over 348,000 square meters, and involves nearly 60,000 smart devices. Despite the complex signal environment and numerous product tests, Aqara has effectively improved management and energy efficiency, achieving remarkable results.


Xiaomi Technology Park

Xiaomi Science and Technology Park has realized centralized monitoring, fine measurements, interconnection, and comprehensive management in the basic Internet of Things.

Total number of devices

0 +
basic IoT points
monitoring and control points

Switches and controllers

Top-mounted thermostat and lighting controllers
0 m
of wires saved with wireless solution

Energy saved

20% – 30%

by automations and control of air conditioners, lights and sockets



0 +

Aqara office

By utilizing the Aqara smart system, enterprises can achieve various functions including insensible access controls, smart conference rooms, and smart office management, creating a healthy, comfortable, safe, and open office environment for employees. This, in turn, improves management efficiency and optimizes space and resource utilization, ultimately promoting energy saving, emission reduction, and comprehensive cost reduction.

Aqara office

0 m
of total building area
0 +
automation configured

Total number of devices

0 +
smart devices
0 +
monitoring and control points

Smart office utilization rate

0 hrs/yr
of smart meeting room reservations
0 times/yr
room occupancy detection with AI

Energy saved

20% – 30%

by automations and control of air conditioners, lights and sockets

모든 것은 아이디어에서 시작됩니다.

아카라(Aqara)브랜드를 설립한 Eugene You은 새롭고스마트한, 녹색시대의건물들에대한비전을그립니다.

자동화 제어 기술의 전문 과학자로서, Eugene은 중국 화남이공대학교 및 미국 유타대학교에서 석사학위를 받았습니다. 그는 많은 하이테크(high-tech)다국적 기업에서 근무한 경험을기반으로, 산업화와도시화의지속가능성에대한중요성을인식하고, 기술개발연구를수행해왔습니다.
2009년, Eugene은무선의, 스마트한, 그리고에너지절감이라는키워드를바탕으로건물제어솔루션을전문적으로제공하는 Lutuo Technology를설립했습니다. Lutuo는 IoT, 즉사물인터넷에대한비전을가지고공간제어시의에너지절약과공공건물의스마트인테리어에중점을두었습니다. Lutuo는다년간의노력과혁신을거듭하여, 세계최고의제품과솔루션으로업계에커다란변화를불러왔습니다.

2014년, Lutuo Technology는 ‘친환경’이라는설립취지와비전을확장하며 Lumi United로사명을변경했습니다.Eugene에게 ‘친환경’은 스마트홈 분야의 지속 가능한 발전과 혁신을 추진하는 지침이 되어 왔습니다.

무선 loT 기술 더환경친화적인

Zigbee 프로토콜의잠재력을초기에알아본최초의스마트홈브랜드로서, 아카라는 Zigbee 프로토콜연구개발에 10년이상투자해왔습니다. 그리고지금, 아카라의디바이스는 Thread, Zigbee, Lora, Bluetooth, NB-IoT와 Wi-Fi를포함한다양한무선프로토콜을지원하며풍부한스마트홈생태계를구성하고있습니다.
아카라의디바이스는안정적이고, 안전하며, 신뢰할수있는무선 IoT 솔루션을적용하여, 간편한무선설치로새로운, 혹은기존공간의레노베이션에적합한사용성을보유하고있습니다. 아카라의디바이스를활용하여시공과정에서의배선과정을현저히감소시킬수있습니다.
아카라의조명스위치는기존조명스위치로대체설치이후, 재배선없이무선스위치및허브와함께사용할수있습니다.

무선 IoT 솔루션의적용은건축과정에서의폐기물감소와기존자재손상의최소화라는강력한장점을제시함과동시에명확히친환경적입니다.


세계에너지소비량의 40%를건물이차지한다는사실, 기존건물의 99%가높은에너지를소비한다는사실. 이로인한연간에너지소비량은 3,500만TOE에달합니다. 이러한문제를해결하기위해더편리하고, 빠르고, 경제저기며친환경적인제품과함께에너지절감을위한리노베이션이필요합니다. BAS(건물자동화시스템)에의해관리되는에너지절약을통해기존에너지사용량을 20~40% 절감함과동시에사회및경제적으로이바지할수있습니다.

아카라는전원부품및관제, 알고리즘및절전에최적화된설계로강력하고풍부한센서포트폴리오를보유하고있으며, 안정적으로대기전력소비를최저수준으로유지합니다. 아카라디바이스의배터리평균사용기간은 2~3년으로, 동종업계내타사제품대비 2배이상긴수명을자랑합니다. 이를통해배터리소모및환경오염을효과적으로감소시킵니다.

아카라는모션센서, 조도센서, 열림감지센서, 온습도센서등다양한센서포트폴리오를보유하고있습니다. 아카라의센서디바이스는환경조건및사용자정의에따라자동화설정을조정해에너지소비최적화및에너지가불필요하게낭비되는상황을방지합니다.

또한에어컨, 조명, 전기포트등집안가전전원차단을잊은사용자에게아카라스마트홈디바이스를통한자동화및원격제어서비스제공으로필요에의한에너지소비실현과에너지효율성을제고시킵니다.

디지털화를 통한 에너지 절약 및 탄소배출 감소

아카라의 AIoT 생태계는빅테이터시각화를위한포괄적인서비스를제공합니다.

아카라는자동데이터수집, 실시간모니터링및에너지소비데이터의정확한분석을통해비정상적인상태를실시간감지하고, 에너지절감을위한신속한조치로대응합니다.


자동데이터수집은센서와카매라, 그리고자동화조건을통해공간행동데이터를수집하고에너지절감을위한자동화조건을제공합니다.

실시간 모니터링

실시간 모니터링을 통해 에너지소비량을한눈에확인함과동시에디바이스컨디션과비정상적인상태를파악할수있어에너지절약솔루션분석에가치있는데이터소스를제공합니다.

정확한 분석

자동 데이터수집과실시간 모니터링에서 수집되는 빅데이터의 분석, 정밀한 판단을 통해 정확한 분석이 이루어집니다. 이는 에너지 절약 및 배출 감소 솔루션에대한더신뢰할수있는 근거를 제공합니다.


아카라의자동화된프로세스는알림및자동화액션을통해에너지의손실방지및소비감소, 전반적인에너지절약과탄소배출감소달성에기여합니다. 이를통해솔루션운영자및가정내사용자는더합리적인의사결정을통해에너지절약전략을수립및최적화할수있습니다.


아카라의디바이스와솔루션은스마트빌딩, 호텔, 부동산, 커뮤니티, 가정, 캠퍼스및의료시설과같은다양한환경에서널리채택되어, 건물관리효율성및에너지활용율을큰폭으로증대시킬뿐아니라건물유지보수에가치를더합니다.

아카라는 30개이상카테고리, 700개이상의 SKU 디바이스를보유하고있으며, 무선사물인터넷기술을통해친환경적인에너지절약자동화제어를실현합니다. 이를통해사회적, 경제적으로한발짝더나아갑니다.

아카라는전산업군에적용가능한안정적이고포괄적인 AIoT 생태계솔루션을제공합니다. Qiao Link 오픈플랫폼은친환경기업의에너지디지털트랜스포메이션과절감은물론, 산업어플리케이션플랫폼을통해스마트스페이스에서의에너지절감과탄소배출절감서비스를제공합니다. 이렇게절감된에너지는스크린을통해시각적으로구현됩니다.



아카라는샤오미모바일인터넷산업단지에서의스마트통합관제시스템을성공적으로구현했습니다.해당 프로젝트는 348,000㎡ 이상에 걸쳐 있는 사무실 건물 6개를 포함하고 있으며 스마트 설비 약 60,000개를 포함합니다. 복잡한신호환경과수많은제품테스트에도, 아카라는관제및에너지효율개선을통해샤오미모바일인터넷산업단지의운영효율화에기여했습니다.


샤오미모바일인터넷산업단지에서 IoT 솔루션기반중앙관제시스템구축, 센서를통한공간미세감지, 디바이스간바인딩및전체적인매니징을진행했습니다.


0 +
IoT 포인트

스위치 및 컨트롤러

0 m

에너지 절감


에어컨, 조명과플러그자동화및관제를통한에너지절약


0 +


기업들은아카라스마트시스템활용을통해자동액세스제어, 스마트미팅룸, 스마트오피스매니징등의기능실현으로직원들에게건강하고, 편안하고, 안전하며개방적인사무실환경을조성할수있습니다. 이는공간관리효율성을개선하고, 공간및리소스활용최적화를통해궁극적으로에너지절약, 탄소배출감소, 나아가전체비용절감에기여합니다.


0 +


0 +
0 +

스마트 오피스 활용률

0 +
0 +

에너지 절약


에어컨, 조명과플러그자동화및관제를통한에너지절약

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