100-250V, 50/60Hz/Max.10A, Max 2500W (Incandescent Lamp); Max. 1A, Max. 250W (LED, CFL Fluorescent Lamp); Max. 1A, Max. 1/4 HP (Motor) M.1.
24-30V: Max.10A, Max. 300W (Resistive Load); 30-60V: Max.1A, Max. 60W (Resistive Load);
2405-2475 MHz
≤ 13 dBm
45.5 × 48 × 24 mm (1.79 × 1.89 × 0.94 in.)
-10°C ~ 40°C (14°F ~ 104°F)
0 ~ 95% RH, no condensation
Dual Relay Module T2 × 1, User Manual × 1, DIN Rail Accessory × 1, Jumper Wire × 1
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